Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

New Rescue Beauty Lounge Colors!

Rescue Beauty Lounge just released three new colors- Bikini Bottom, Square Pants and Starfish-Patrick. Do you sense a theme there? I found it a little odd myself, but I'm not complaining, these colors are pretty cool!

I picked up Bikini Bottom and Square Pants. Starfish Patrick just didn't seem like a color I'd wear very often- from the picture it looked like a pale, peachy-coral.

Bikini Bottom and Square Pants are semi-sheer, and look good both with two coats and with three. They're barely streaky (the streaks disappear as it dries!) and they have that wonderfully smooth formula that Rescue Beauty Lounge is known for.

Bikini Bottom, two coats. Looks like a pale, watery blue.

Bikini Bottom, 3 coats. This is beautiful! It looks like a retro blue- I'm thinking 50's maybe? Either way, I'm in love with this color.

Square Pants. Uh oh, this reminds me of Sheer Natural without the shimmer.... Hmmm

Square Pants, 3 coats. YES! Much better. A perfectly pale and soft buttery yellow. Delicate and eye-catching at the same time. Those of you who are looking for the perfect non-neon yellow or don't want to spend $25 on Chanel L.A. Sunrise, this is your yellow.

I might have to get the other one now! I didn't think I'd like these as much as I do- I expected them to be much sheerer (is that a word?) after seeing the pictures, but after trying them on I think they're perfect. Square Pants is definitely my new favorite yellow.

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