Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

Chanel Fall 2008 - Gold Fiction and Kaleidoscope Swatches

Gold Fiction. As you can see, it's a light metallic yellow gold. Is it nice? Definitely. Is it worth $30? Hell no. There are other gold polishes out there. This isn't so unique that you'll never be able to find a match. Sure, it's really beautiful, but I don't think the price is justified, even if it is more expensive to make. It also comes in an opaque bottle so you can't see how much is left.

Kaleidoscope. This, on the other hand, is totally worth the price tag. It's $10 cheaper than Gold Fiction and ten times cooler. It's a silvery metallic greenish sort of color with this mesmerizing microscopic shimmer running through it. Totally stunning. Weird color to be named "Kaleidoscope" but, hey, it's cool, right?

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