Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Chanel Robertson Limited Edition Collection Swatches

I was so excited about these polishes- Yellow! Orange! Purple! Hot pink, even! The price tag didn't deter me from picking these up- the promise of a perfect yellow polish lured me, and the others came along for the ride. Perhaps this was a bit of bad judgment on my part...

I'll post the pictures first and my opinion second, so that if you like these colors you don't have to read my insane ranting.

L.A. Sunrise

L.A. Sunset


Rodeo Drive.

Now, for the rant.

First of all, I can't believe how incredibly awful Chanel's customer service is!

I ordered these over the phone, which was a mistake on my part. I will never order anything over the phone again. The people who take the orders over the phone apparently can't comprehend how to enter the correct information or tell the difference between "shipping" and "billing".

On top of that, if you call them to verify that the information is correct, they will flat out lie to you. I was on the phone with Chanel no fewer than five times, and each time my information was incorrect, yet the customer service representatives assured me that they were going to fix it, or that it had already been fixed. After I got a confirmation email with the wrong information (that they had assured me was fixed) I called them only to have them tell me they fixed my information, which they clearly hadn't. Infuriating.

Even more (oh yes, there's more...) infuriating is the fact that they give you an email address for customer service and a promise that they will respond in 24-48 hours and they NEVER DO. Calling wasn't enough to get my information fixed, so I figured email would get the job done. Well, I was wrong. Three emails and four days later, still no response. I have my order and they still haven't responded to my request to fix my information before my order ships!!! Can you believe it?!?!

As you can see, I got my order, my order that was shipped to the WRONG ADDRESS. Luckily I was able to pick up my package from that address, but still! Customer Service told me it was fixed at least five times, but it was NEVER fixed.

And I haven't even gotten to my polish review yet!

I'll be frank with you: these polishes suck. There, I said it. They suck. The formula is a nightmare- a streaky, goopy, thick, stringy, bubbly bottle of mess. The colors are pretty, but definitely not unique. I do not mind paying $25 for a bottle of nail polish IF the nail polish is worth $25. I would spend that on a Rescue Beauty Lounge polish (luckily they don't cost that much!!) because they're worth it. These, on the other hand, are just... crap. It's not the kind of quality you'd expect from a luxury brand like Chanel. And, you know, these aren't even the same quality as my other Chanel polishes!

I guess I like the colors well enough. L.A. Sunrise is really a nice pale yellow, a refreshing change from all of the neon yellow I've been wearing, my favorite of the bunch. L.A. Sunset is kind of a bland pale orange creme, nice but not WOW. Melrose is a pretty pink jelly. Rodeo Drive is a nice pastel purple shimmer. I would pay $8 for these. For $25, I want FIREWORKS! I want to say WOW, I've never seen such an awesome color! Or, even, wow, what an amazing formula, I'd buy any color in this!

Have I been too harsh? I'm really disappointed in these. I do not feel that they are at all worth a $25 price tag. Maybe my review will keep someone else from making the same mistake?

These may be my last Chanel purchases for a looooooong time. Ouch, Chanel. Ouch.

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