Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

China Glaze "Lubu Manicure" - Lubu Heels and Ruby Pumps

In response to a reader request from Stubby, I decided to give the China Glaze Lubu Manicure a try. China Glaze's Lubu Manicure is Lubu Heels polish on the nails, and Ruby Pumps polish on the underside of the nail, to give the effect of a pair of Louboutin shoes.

It didn't turn out as nice as I had hoped, only because the Ruby Pumps wouldn't look smooth on the underside. Even with topcoat, it appeared chunky and thick, even though I applied very thin coats. It wasn't too difficult to do, just time consuming. This works best on people with very long nails.

I couldn't get a picture of the top and bottom of my nails at the same time, but I tried!

Lubu Manicure

I'm not satisfied with how these pictures came out, so I'm going to give this another try some time and try to get better pics.

It is really cool, though! I think it would look even better with a dark color like black on top and a bright color like blue or bright green or hot pink underneath. Have any of you tried the Lubu Manicure??

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