Sabtu, 03 Februari 2007

I can't remember what I came on here to say. Just a quick rave then.


Kind of a weird name, but the products are so great. Candy is a total sweetheart and always sends a little hand-written thank you in my order.

My personal favorite product is the Whipped Body Frosting. It has such a cool texture... It's super thick, rich, smooth but it's... airy! Spongy? It has a slightly waxy feeling but that's what makes it lock in moisture so well. The waxiness disappears after about 3 seconds, and it's never greasy at all. Amazing product.

I like the handmade body lotion too, but it doesn't have that neat airy texture.

All the scents I've tried I love, and I've tried a bunch. My new favorite is Cherry Cupcakes.

The tarts are amazing also, but those aren't really makeup. But, if you're into tarts, they're adorable, HUGE and super long lasting and strong. HUGE. They're so pretty. They have squiggles and one of them has a sun, and sparkles and stuff.

So, if you're looking for new etailers to try, is something you might like. Huge scent list, great products, excellent customer service, fast shipping from CANADA even. Reasonably priced (prices are in CAD).

I'm off to go drown myself in Whipped Body Frosting. That sounds dirty, doesn't it?

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