Selasa, 20 Februari 2007

Ah, the sweet smell of new stuff.

GoSmile Zen toothpaste. What can I say. I have fairly sensitive teeth, so I used that as an excuse to buy this. I am constantly searching for toothpaste that doesn't taste like mint. Mint reminds me of people who have really bad breath and always smell like mint. It makes me gag. Now that my beloved Marvis is so hard to get my hands on, I had to go looking for other options.

This tastes like lavender and cranberry. Wonderful. Not minty.

Pros: Tastes awesome, cool packaging, not gritty, helps sensitive teeth.
Cons: Pricey, not as good as Marvis, doesn't foam.

The pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Nothing beats Marvis Jasmin Mint, though.

Next item: Bare Escentuals Buxom lipgloss. A new favorite. I'm slightly obsessed with lip plumpers and have made it a goal to try one of each. This one had a cute name and boobs on the box, so naturally it caught my eye.

I got Dolly, which is a neutral "plum" (really more brownish mauve) shade with slight shimmer.

The color is meh, but the scent is awesome. Smells like frosting. The texture is like lipglass but way stickier. The cool part is the tingle. I expected a Lip Venom type burn, but instead this is a superawesome cooling sensation that lasts an incredibly long time. Very refreshing and addictive. No real plumping effects, but the tingle is impressive. I will most definitely carry this with me at all times.

I tried Sovage lip plumper recently. I don't know why they market this as a lip plumper. It doesn't appear to contain very many (if any) lip plumping ingredients. It burns and tingles a little and has a superb texture (similar to the Urban Decay Cosmopolitan gloss I love so much) but doesn't plump at all. Lame. Extremely expensive considering the crap ingredients. Smells a little bit like vomit and mint. Don't waste your money.

I have many more items to review, but I'm tired and too lazy to keep typing.

Maybe later I'll write about my recent Isle of Eden order, Givenchy eyeshadow, LORAC Mocktails, Skindecent, Wylde Ivy, and Pop Beauty Sparkle Sauce.

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