Minggu, 03 Desember 2006

Wow, how lame! In all my blathering about Juicy Couture and such, I forgot to yap about MAC Couture!!

I was very skeptical at first, as it's a little more expensive than MAC usually is, but I couldn't resist HEAVY GUNMETAL PACKAGING. WITH STUDS.

I splurged on the Sheer Mystery Powder, lipstick in Couture, lipglass in Prestigious and Richmetal highlighter in Arc Silver.

I'm not huge on the richmetal highlighter, but the compact is SO HOT. Everything else I love. LOVE. CAPITAL LETTERS!

Yes, I am shallow and a sucker for packaging. This is the coolest packaging MAC has had so far. I'm going to get the rest of the Couture lipglasses and maybe the richmetal highlighter in another color. Possible another lipstick. And a backup sheer mystery powder. One for my purse and one for home.

The packaging is heavy. It's so cool. So very, very cool.

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