Minggu, 31 Desember 2006

I haven't written in a while so I have a lot to talk about!

I have been kind of busy...

Some topics I'll address at some point in time: MAC Danse collection, companies with shitty customer service, how much I can't stand Linda Wells, niche fragrances, bad advice, bad makeup, B&BW semi-annual sale, Hanae Mori, interesting finds at TJ Maxx, makeup nostalgia...

Actually, maybe I'll address Danse right now.

I was originally planning on getting the After Hours holiday pick that I have been obsessing about. The day I went to buy it, it sold out. I called customer service and they said it would be back in stock on the 26th- also when Danse was supposed to be released.

Apparently people in Canada take off Boxing Day instead of putting the new collection on the website, just like they did with Lingerie.

Anyway, Danse is finally online two days later and I go a little overboard. I didn't get my After Hours (still thinking about it, though) but I did get Glissade, Lightscapade, Pastorale, Corps de Ballet, Pas a deux, Classical, Curtsy, and En Pointe. The only shadows I wanted were Rondelle and Jete, but they are too similar to other things I have. I'm kind of kicking myself for buying Curtsy and Classical now. They're ugly and I'm sure they will look like crap on me. Curtsy isn't so bad, but classical is this nasty color of... watered down salmon. It's like.. a peach milkshake? It's ugly and it will look like death on me. I haven't even tried it on yet.

So, Danse. Awesome lipglasses, I must say. I am impressed. I can't resist Mineralize Skinfinishes, and Lightscapade is just awesome. Boring and ugly eyeshadows, though. Seriously... French Grey? It's not grey, it's brownish taupe. And ugly. We don't need more taupe eyeshadows, MAC.

I really love the new skincare packaging! I am happy to see that Microfine Refinisher is still alive and kicking! The new pots for the Tinted Lip Conditioners are so much nicer than the old ones, but I still prefer the sticks.

I also need a new bottle of MV3. I can't believe it. I am actually going to finish a bottle of perfume. I have never done that, or even come close. MV3 is just THAT GOOD. I could wear it every day and not get sick of it (but I won't, because that's boring).

Unfortunately, Emeraldaire and Tarnished Love are nasty. I can't wear them. They are gross. At least they are kinda cool to look at, and match with the rest of my MAC fragrances.

I heard that they are going to release a new fragrance later this year. Charged Waters, or something like that. I hope it's better than Turquatic.

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