Senin, 11 Desember 2006

Okay, here it is... porn! Just like I promised.

Most of the pictures are a little blurry. My battery was dying so the focus was a little weak.

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MAC Sheer Mystery Powder.

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Tarte Rock Royalty! Looking quite loved.

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Givenchy Lash Pearls and my skanky chipped nails.

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shelf where I keep some of the perfumes I use most often. Yes,
you do see Britney Spears Fantasy and Paris Hilton. Some skanks
just smell good.

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My Tour de Pink traincase, where I store some of my MAC lip products. Just the ones I use frequently.

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I just thought this was a cool picture. Juicy Couture, Midnight Charm, Miss Dior Cherie.

Come on... that is a cool picture. All pretty and sparkly looking on my dresser.

I took exactly one hundred pictures, so I still have a couple more to post. More porn tomorrow!

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