Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Update on Essie collections - 'Mystery' Collection and North Fork

Okay, here we go.

I think I may have caused a minor frenzy yesterday by posting images of six beautiful and untraditional Essie colors. Here's what happened!

I received a press release with images for the North Fork collection (the three light blues), but at the bottom of the email, two additional images were attached. I posted them because they looked like a collection to me- six shades, all within a summery, beach-like color scheme and they came directly from Essie. However, I have received confirmation from Essie that the attached images were in fact an error and are not representative of actual polishes.

I was really, really excited for that 'mystery' collection too. I mean, SUPER excited. I am very sad that it doesn't really exist. But, don't fret! The word from Essie is this: North Fork will not be the only summer release. They have a couple more things up their sleeve for this summer, so we might get something almost as good! We just have to wait and see, and you can be sure that I'll update you whenever I get new information.

So, here's the lowdown in case you didn't read any of this:

The 'Mystery' collection I posted below- NOT REAL.
Here's the link in case you missed it:

The North Fork collection I posted below- REAL. The picture in my post is correct, and it will be released in April. Three limited edition blues. Link

I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, I am disappointed as well! This is only the beginning of the summer collections this year, and I am confident that this will be a summer of GREAT polishes!

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