Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

The Best Polish Names Ever, Part 1.

There are polishes in my collection that I bought for only one reason: They had an awesome name. Most of them I don't even wear, but I can't help but pick them up every now and then and feel happy, or confused or entertained or... something.

The first polish I can remember buying for the name alone is this little gem from Essie....

Essie Meet Balls.

Yes, the name of this polish is actually Meet Balls. I don't really understand the reasoning behind giving this polish such an awesome and bizarre name, but I am thankful they did it. Cause it's awesome.

So, after you Meet Balls, do you Shake Hands With Beef?

The color of this polish isn't so bad, either. It's not a color that I would normally buy for myself or wear, but the freaky name made me give it a chance that I might not give to a polish with a more normal name.

It's sort of a warm reddish-mauve with gold shimmer. I know, right? Reddish mauve? Ugh. But it just looks so flattering on my nails! I can't deny that I actually like the way this looks on me.

So, bonus.

I'll be periodically posting some of my favorite polishes with wacky names, but I want to know... Have you ever bought a polish just for the name? Do you have any polishes with bizarre names? We might even have some of the same favorites!

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