Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

LUSH... not worth the hype.

I think I had some sort of epiphany last night...

LUSH sucks.

There, I said it.

I was getting ready to take a bath, and I really didn't feel like having to dig out a bubble bar, break part off and crumble it. I wanted bubbles, but LUSH is too much work and I was tired.

I looked around, and on the ledge of my tub were a couple unused bottles of Bath and Body Works bubble bath that I'd gotten in gift sets. Sensual Amber was the prettiest looking one, so I thought, sure, why not.

This is when my eyes were opened and I came to the realization that I had been living a lie.

All this time I thought that LUSH had the best bath products. I was very wrong.

I have a huge bathtub, the jacuzzi kind, and when I use LUSH (bubble bar, bath bomb, bath melt, whatever) you can't smell the scent of the product you use after you put it in the water. In fact, you can't even smell it in the small bathtub either.

But, with this magical Bath and Body Works bubble bath, all it took was one little squirt from a convenient bottle (no crumbling!) and my entire bathroom, no- top floor of my house! - was filled with scent, and I had big, white, fluffy bubbles that didn't leave a gross ring on my bathtub.

As you probably know by now, I have a love/hate relationship with LUSH. Right now it's mostly hate. I hate how overpriced their products are, I hate that they have no packaging, I hate how there is no variety, I hate how you can't layer scents, I hate how much work is involved in using them, I hate their nasty skincare, I hate their advertising and their ego, I hate how drying their products are, I hate that there is no lotion, I hate that they discontinue everything I liked, I hate their crappy customer service and I hate getting broken products in the mail. Oh, I could go on.

It makes me wonder what inspired me to buy so much of this crap. Sure, I love the scent of Jungle, but I never use it. I love the scent of Christmas Kisses bubble bar, but it's too much work with the crumbling and the cleanup afterwards. I loved the scent of Sugar Rush and Ne Worry Pas, but, of course, they are discontinued.

I think I'll be using the more economical, better-looking, better-smelling, more effective, layerable, less-work Bath and Body Works bubble bath from now on.

Sensual Amber, mmm. I've never smelled it before but now I love it.

Also, a sidenote, I should have my OPI Retro Fun in the Sun collection polishes later on today, so if the sun decides to come out for a few minutes, I'll snap some quick pictures.

I really prefer the cloudy, rainy, beautiful day we're having, but it's balls for taking pictures.

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