Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

Ji Baek's Rescue Your Nails - A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Perfect Fingers and Toes.

I just got Ji Baek's book, Rescue Your Nails: A Do-It-Yourself Guide To Perfect Fingers And Toes (Purple Haze, Underwear and Under The Stars came along for the ride as well).
As you know, Ji Baek is the founder of Rescue Beauty Lounge salon, and the amazing Rescue Beauty Lounge polishes that I'm currently obsessed with. Naturally, I had to get this book beacuse a) I love books, b) I love Rescue Beauty Lounge and c) There has to be some sort of amazing secret in this book that can help improve my nails.

I haven't actually read it yet, just kinda flipped through the pages a few times, so I can't properly review it. I can give a few first impressions:

  1. Holy Crap, Ji Baek is HOT
  2. Lots of nice photographs
  3. Lots of text, not just pictures!
  4. Doesn't seem to be an advertisement for Rescue Beauty Lounge
  5. Looks like a perfect guide for beginners
I'm gonna take some time to sit down and actually read this thing from cover to cover so I can give my honest opinion. It looks like a good read with lots of tips and tricks, so I'll come and do a full review once I've had time to digest and evaluate the content of its pretty little paperback pages.

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