Rabu, 30 April 2008

OPI Mod About Brights 2008 Swatches, and also Allure magazine hates fat chicks.

I'm so excited! Allure magazine sent me two awesome gifts- a Pureology shampoo and a Paula Dorf Heartbreaker eyeshadow palette!!

As much as I rag on Allure for their ridiculous advice, they always treat me well. One time they sent me a Redken styling balm and Herbal Essences conditioner! Yay, presents!

This issue of Allure really had me furious, though. It's the yearly "naked" issue which features celebrities posing nude. They make a big deal about having a size 16 girl in the spread, but then when you get to the picture... THEY HID HER BEHIND FLOWERS! You can't see her body at all, just her head. Everyone else is stark naked and on display.

What kind of message does that send? It doesn't say "all sizes are beautiful", that's for sure. I think the message they're trying to get across is, "If you're bigger than a size 2, you need to be hidden until you conform" or "being bigger than a size two is something to be ashamed of, so we need to hide you behind flowers. Fatass." Maybe even "only tiny women are worth looking at."

I oughtta give them a piece of my mind... That's insane, insulting and infuriating and it's not constructive and it doesn't promote a positive viewpoint on body image!

Anyway, enough being pissed off for today... How about some pictures?

Here is the OPI Mod About Brights collection that I meant to post:

That's Hot! Pink, Mod-ern Girl, Brights Power, The "It" Color, Green-wich Village, Dating a Royal.

Dating a Royal, Green-Wich Village, The "It" Color, Brights Power, Mod-ern Girl

That's Hot! Pink.

So, on a non-polish related topic...

I'm not all that impressed with MAC Naughty Nauticals. I picked up the three new pigments and the blue nail polish. I'll see if seeing it in person can persuade me, otherwise I don't need more blue eyeshadow that I look weird in anyway. Blue eyeshadow makes my skin look weird. Bleh.

Does anyone besides me care about Dazzleglass? I love Dazzleglass. I think I need all of them now.. I hope they stick around for a while! It's glittery without being glittery. Mmm, glitter.

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