Senin, 21 April 2008

My Custom OPI Rack and Color Club Limelight

Ok, since no one but me cares about OPI Mod About Brights swatches, how about a few pictures?

I know, my blog is boring cause I never have pictures.

Here's the amazing nail polish rack my husband made for me. It only holds about half of my OPIs, but it's the best nail polish rack ever.

Flash, so you can see the colors better:

And, a picture of Color Club Limelight. I did a really crappy job and got polish all over my cuticles AND I had a broken nail in this picture. Forgive me, it was done late at night, but it's just such a cool color.

Closeup of the little bat guy:

He's so cute.

Oh, here's these again.

Dating a Royal, Green-wich Village.

Yes, I am excited about the brights, damn it!!!!!

OPI rocks my world!!

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