Kamis, 06 Maret 2008

Finally Foundation Free... And some random nail polish babble.

I have an announcement to make.

For the past week, maybe week and a half, I, Scrangie, have been FOUNDATION-FREE.

I never thought I'd say those words.

I feel weird, having just found my perfect foundation match(es) and the best way to apply it (them; beautyblender)... But I realized, now, I almost look better without it.

I still have a few scars that haven't faded as fast, but a tiny bit of Tarte The Eraser concealer applied very lightly with a damp Beautyblender is all I'm doing to cover them.

I ran out of my favorite DDF Skin Lightener and apparently it's been discontinued, so I picked up Proactiv Skin Lightening cream because it was cheap and readily available...

HOLY CRAP does that stuff smell bad. It's the worst smelling beauty product EVER, and almost the worst smelling substance ever.... It's like dead fish and ammonia and puke and rotting death all in a convenient little tube. It's one of those smells that smells to bad you can taste it, and you can't get the taste out of the back of your mouth and it makes you feel sick all day. Ugh.

Where am I going with this? I don't know. Next subject...

Yes, I am excited for China Glaze Ink too.... But it's not out yet!! I can't wait. I need it now. Any day now... Mmmm..... Purple....

I also got that Dior Poison Blue. Well, it's, uh, blue. Yep. Don't fall for it. It's not even interesting. It's kinda navyish, not really sparkly, looks almost black... Blue Satin is more interesting if you're just itching to drop a lot of cash on a nail polish. My verdict: I hate navy blue. Poison Blue is blah. Zzzzzzzzz <--- Me Snoring.

Currently on my nails is OPI Sugarplum Yum with matching glitter topcoat. I love old OPI, I really do. They apply like a dream and they have normal brushes... *sigh* I miss my chemicals.

My Seche is getting cloudy on my nails again. WTF is up with that?

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