Kamis, 06 Maret 2008

Eww, Carmindy. Uh, I mean, Carmindy uses ERA Spray Foundation.

Woohoo! Second entry today!

This one's for the googlers.

I was flipping channels while folding laundry (SO glamorous, I know.) and saw Carmindy doing a "makeover."

I am 100% positive that the spray foundation she uses is Classified Cosmetics Era. The silver can is unmistakable. I think Sephora still sells it, I know they used to. So, there you go. Era.

She also had a disgustingly empty compact of MAC Blot Powder. Ewwww. It was all pan with a little product around the edges. Come on, Carmindy, don't you think it's time for a new one?

I was also startled to see her use mascara straight from a gunky-looking tube directly on this lady's lashes. How many other people have used that mascara? Gives me the heebies. You're on TV, at least try to make it look sanitary.

Looked like she was using Sephora Professionel brushes. I saw a Smashbox-looking palette in the background. I love watching makeup stuff and trying to figure out what the products are.

Also: Why is my picture of lipglass in my Tour de Pink traincase so damned interesting? I'm getting tons of hits every day on that thing. It's not like you can make out the individual colors or anything, and you can't even see any detail. It's not that great of a picture. Hmmm... Same with my picture of Midnight Charm on my dresser. What's up with that?

One last comment for the googlers: If you're upset that your Carol's Daughter products are moldy, you should call/write/email Carol's Daughter. Sometimes companied really listen to what customers have to say, and you never know, they might even replace the moldy products for you. But, if your products are moldy DO NOT USE THEM. Common sense.

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