Selasa, 10 Juli 2007

See, I complain about the picture of Kelly Rowland and now look what they do... They make it BIGGER!

Damn dead transsexual hooker banner is ruining my blogging experience! (No offense to living transsexual hookers. We cool.)

Since there's nothing particularly attention-grabbing in the cosmetics world at the moment, I'll keep yapping about perfume.

I feel like filling out a big, long survey but I can't come up with the questions myself. I'll have to yoink one from someone. I'm in a list-making form-filling survey-taking kind of mood.

I think I'm getting over my amber phase. I'm not going to stop liking amber or anything, but my experience with Ambre Sultan the other day kinda put me off of it for a while.

Normally I love Ambre Sultan. Wearing it in 90 degree weather was probably not such a good idea. Wearing it in 90 degree weather makes it give off the distinct odor of caged animals. Elephants, maybe. Or horses. Sexy.

Still, I'm not going to follow the "It's summer, you must wear light fruity floral scents or magically disappearing citrus scents!" trend. I'll admit, I've been wearing my Un Jardin Sur le Nil more than usual, and I considered wearing Light Blue today, but where's the fun in that?

Okay, how about a list. Since I'm not very creative, how about a top ten list. Current favorite fragrances.

  1. Organza Indecence
  2. 10 Corso Como
  3. Loukhoum
  4. Chergui
  5. Black Cashmere
  6. Neiges
  7. MV3
  8. Patchouli 24
  9. Chrysanthemum Moon
  10. Vanille Extreme
I'd think that a lot of people would consider those totally inappropriate for summer... You know what I say?

Well, of course you know what I say.

I think that list is, while somewhat boring, quite indicitave of the types of perfumes I tend to gravitate toward and love.

I try to appreciate the florals, I really do... I just can't. While I can respect the florals, I really can not love them. Or even like them. I can handle violets. That's about it.

Now Patchouli 24, there's a masterpiece. I had written it off as "ew patchouli" without even trying it. That was a mistake. Maybe you can't judge a perfume by its cover?

It's the most perfect burning leaves and leather scent. It's a bit strong (just a bit?!) and I'm having a hard time figuring out where the patchouli is. It's smoky and rich and sweet and bitter all at the same time. It's right up there with CB Burning Leaves. Beautiful.

I'm trying to decide what the point of this entry is. Is there a moral to this story? The moral is: I'm bored and no one else will listen to me babble about perfume.

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