Kamis, 28 Juni 2007

You know what annoys me?

Beauty blogs that read like a commercial.


I recently discovered that there are lots of beauty blogs out there. There are a handful of (apparently) really popular ones, but every time I read them I feel like I wasted my time.

There's just nothing personal or real about them. It's like they copy the spiel from the back of the package of x product and paste it into a blog entry, and then link to somewhere you can buy it, all the while flashing twenty-seven different ads at me on the sidebar.

I'll be the first to admit that I do my fair share of (voluntary!) advertising, but never the weird infomercial like garbage I read on those blogs. What's the point, people? If I wanted to hear that boring drivel, I'd just read the product description on Sephora.com.

That being said, I'm just the kind of person who likes to complain and everything seems to annoy me. It gives me something to talk about. Bad habit, I suppose.

Now for something that's not a rant...

I have somehow amassed an absurd quantity of fragrance samples. To tell you the truth, I have never used about 99% of them, and the ones I have used are scents that I already own.

Not wanting to be wasteful, I decided that I'd start using them. I decided on Prada EDP. I had tried it right when it came out and completely dismissed it without giving it a fair chance to develop. I opened it, sniffed it, spilled some on myself, thought, "Ew, this smells like Angel" and washed it off.

Today I am floating around in a heavenly (Angel-free) Prada cloud. I'm really loving this, and I'm not sure why I hated it so much originally. You can't really go wrong with amber-patchouli-vanilla-musk, even though it does smell a little like hippie. No, it's not really very unique, but it does smell very good.

Yes, I'm the crazy perfume lady today. I bet I stunk up the whole office. It just smelled so good, I had to keep smelling it. It is very strong, but it fades fairly quickly. Honestly, I'd buy a bottle. I have about seven of these sample vials, so I doubt I'll need a bottle.... But, just sayin.

And I'm finally getting Chergui.

You better hope you never get stuck in an elevator with me.

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