Kamis, 28 Juni 2007

Do you know what happens when I don't buy anything for a long time?

I buy ten bottles of perfume.

Not kidding. I did. And I'm about to buy two more.

I really like perfume. A lot. I like to look at the bottles, arrange everything just right, pick them up, smell them, watch the light filter through the different colored liquids and glint off the polished metal and glass.

I wrote a big long rambling entry about perfume, but I decided it was kind of pointless, so I deleted it.

I'm sure someone out there is curious about MAC C-Shock, so I'll comment quickly on that.

Love it. I didn't get everything I planned. Some of it was just so similar to stuff that I already have, it felt redundant. The greens and yellows are some of the most vibrant MAC has released and I highly recommend them. The orange one is a lighter but richer version of D'Bohemia. Nice, but not totally unique. Say Yeah is better. If you have Teal pigment, you don't need Big T. Teal is nicer.

Didn't get any lip stuff this time. I was going to get Blast O Blue, and I still might, but I don't see myself wearing it. But, then again...

I'm becoming a hair product junkie. I'm currently adoring Jonathan Product. I bought just about everything and there isn't one thing I don't like. Silky Dirt smells incredible. The shampoos don't feel like they clean very well, but my hair really does look, feel and smell great.

My hair is terrible. It's still recovering from the bleach-fest. The regrowth looks very healthy, but my hair is three different colors and fried at the ends. I've been cutting it myself, little by little. I'll admit, I'm hairstyle impaired. I can put it up, wear it down, or half-and-half. That's about it. Wash, blowdry, flatiron and I'm out the door. Takes about ten minutes. Not exactly high maintenance.

So I'm compensating by using nicer products. As long as it's soft as silk and shiny as glass, that's all that matters, right?

Other favorites at the moment (I really do have about 16 bottles of shampoo and conditioner in my shower...)
are the Oscar Blandi Jasmine line and Frederic Fekkai Glossing. SHINY GOOD. DRY BAD.

I really, really want Boudoir by Vivienne Westwood, but I can't figure out where to get it. Everyone that sells it is out of stock. I have to have that bottle. It's so cool looking.

I really want Panthere de Cartier, too. Maybe I'll only buy fragrances in cool bottles from now on. I want one of those mirrored silver trays like my great grandma had. It had lots and lots of bottles of perfume. It was on the dresser in front of the mirror and it was positively mesmerizing. As a child it was the first thing I'd go look at when I went to her house, and I'd sit there staring at it forever.

The hard part is deciding which bottles to display. I'm thinking... Le Baiser du Dragon, Miss Dior Cherie, L de Lolita Lempicka, Midnight Charm, Aqua Allegoria Mentafolia, Mitsouko, Magical Moon and Butterfly... Habanita? Cashmere Mist? Should I hide the flashy ones and only display the "proper" classic ones? No.5 or Un Bois Vanille? Do I only display the freaky ones, Alien or Luctor et Emergo?

Decisions, decisions.

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