Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Two fail EOTDs from last week.

Not all of my eyes of the day turn out nice... I usually don't take pictures of the ugly ones!

But here are a couple that didn't quite turn out the way I hoped...

I took a million pictures of this one. I wanted to capture the complexity and sparkles in each color. All the shades are duochrome and change depending on the lighting and angle. I tried a few different kinds of lighting... you can sorta see the color shift in the last picture of my eyes closed. Pretty cool looking if you ask me... I love duochromes. I took this picture in the dark and I think it shows the sparkle really well:

And as always, you can click the pictures to see more detail. This was:

Urban Decay Primer Potion
Fyrinnae Avian Shapeshifter on lid (applied wet with MAC mixing medium)
Fyrinnae Velvet Vampire in crease and lower lashline (applied wet with mixing medium)
Fyrinnae Pyromantic Erotica in the inner corners (Can't get enough of this color!)
Fyrinnae Dark Magik as liner (applied wet with mixing medium)
Fyrinnae Finnegan's Wake as highlight
Urban Decay Zero 24/7
Cover Girl Lash Blast

This look was the result of me wanting to try as many of my new Fyrinnae shades as possible. I love the colors! Just... maybe not together. I felt like there was no contrast in this look, it all just blended together into one awesome sparkly duochrome mess. Next time I'll pick a lid color that contrasts more with the liner and crease color. Too bad my pictures don't show how pretty Dark Magik is.... I'll have to use that one again soon.

And then there's this one:

This was:

Urban Decay Primer Potion
Fyrinnae Pyromantic Erotica on lid applied wet as usual (I told you, I can't get enough!)
Fyrinnae Feline Familiars applied wet in crease and lower lashline
Fyrinnae Sleepy Hollow applied wet as liner
Fyrinnae Finnegan's Wake to highlight
Urban Decay Zero 24/7
Cover Girl Lash Blast

The colors themselves are awesome but I don't think I picked a particularly good way to combine them. They're all fighting for attention and don't seem like they flow together. It's almost kind of jarring looking, it just gave me the urge to fix it all day! I did end up covering up Pyromantic Erotica with a layer of Greenman's Forest later in the evening... Nothing against Pyromantic Erotica of course, but I needed to stop the riot going on on my eyelids.

I freakin' love these Fyrinnae Arcane Magic shadows, though... But I need to learn to not try to use them all at once!

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