Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Rescue Beauty Lounge Spring 2010

Rescue Beauty Lounge's spring collection this year is a set of three 'surfer-girl' themed polishes. And the best part? They're not your average bland spring colors! Yay!

360. This is a very soft, hazy greyed-out blue. It seems brighter in my indoor picture than it seems in real life. This is what I would consider to be a slate blue. It looks like a creme but it actually has some extremely subtle fine silver shimmer. You can see the shimmer in the bottle and you can see it a teeny bit when the sun hits the polish, but otherwise it looks like a slate blue creme. Hidden shimmer!

Bangin'. Very bright bold and pigmented! I wasn't crazy about it in the bottle, but on my nails I love it! It's an extremely orangey red- or is that a slightly red orange? Maybe it's neither. Maybe it's coral. This looks like coral to me. And it is VERY BRIGHT. Pow! Awesome.

Diddy Mow. Pardon the dings and dents and tipwear- I've been wearing this since Sunday morning so it looks a little beaten up. Anyway. This is a grey-green. It's not entirely green... it's not entirely grey. This color was boggling my mind! Every time the lighting changed, the color seemed to change. When I put it on Sunday morning I thought it was just murky grey. In the afternoon it looked more mousy green. Very cool. This one also has that hidden shimmer, but it's even more hidden in this than it is in 360. The name is kinda goofy, but it's apparently a surf slang for a "harsh wipe-out". I'll still feel funny saying it. XD

When I put on Diddy Mow, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Grey and green? Is this like Essie Chinchilly?"

But it turns out it's really not. Observe:
Index and ring: Essie Chinchilly
Middle and pinkie: Rescue Beauty Lounge Diddy Mow

Not even close. Same general idea, though. Grey with green or green with grey.

I can't comment on the formula of these since these are only color samples and aren't in the Rescue Beauty Lounge formula... However... if the samples are any indication of the actual formula, it'll be up to the usual buttery Rescue standard. All of these were opaque in one coat and perfectly smooth. So.... I'm not worried!

While I like the colors in this collection, the thing I love the most is that Ji has once again marched to the beat of her own drum and created a set of colors that are different! They're not your typical spring colors and that makes me really happy. Ji Baek is the master of making unique-colored cremes and these didn't disappoint me. I am especially happy that there is no pink in this spring collection! It seems like she doesn't give in to the pressure to do what everyone else is doing and is free to create colors based on her own eye and inspiration. That impresses me.

The release date given for this is March/April 2010 but I do not have a specific date. I do know that when you sign up for the mailing list, you'll automatically be notified when the new collections are released (and sometimes get a chance to pre-order).

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