Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

A quick word on emails

I don't know how to start this post, so I'll just get right to the point: I'm having trouble keeping up with my inbox!

If you've emailed me and haven't gotten a response, I'm really sorry. It's been really difficult to stay on top of my emails lately. I have emails over a month old that are still waiting to be answered. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating, remembering things and flat out finding time to sit and write coherent sentences. Please be patient with me, I am working through my messages.

Also, I am working on a Frequently Asked Questions post to cover some of the more popular questions I receive, such as "Are your nails real?" (Yes, they are.) "What topcoat/basecoat do you use?" "How do you keep from painting on your cuticles?" "Where can I buy ___ brand of polish?" and so on... That should really help me answer questions more quickly.

There's so much I want to say and do and post and it's really a lot for one person to keep up with every day- but I try my best!

I really, really appreciate all your emails. I love that you like me enough to visit my blog and want to talk to me! Cause I like you guys too. Thank you. <3

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