Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Orgasm Cosmetics Nail Lacquer

This post has been in the making for a loooooong time... To tell you the truth, I'm a little worried about what kind of search engine traffic this is going to bring me! Haha! But what the heck, here they are. Orgasm Cosmetics Nail Lacquers.

Afternoon Delight. Bright green creme. Not quite a neon, but definitely bright. I'd say it's in between 'lime' green and 'grass' green... Would that make it leaf green? Either way, green rocks.

Easy, But Not Cheap! Vibrant light green. This color will not photograph. I can't tell you how many times I tried to get it right! It's not really the pastel mint green you see here- it's like glow-in-the-dark green. Can there be such a thing as a pastel neon? It's like a soft and pale yet bright and glowy green, very hard to capture and describe.

Intoxicating. Shimmery dark blue. This is a really pretty midnight blue shimmer. It looks dark around the edges and bright in the center. I love that. Very dark and dramatic. Velvety.

In Your Dreams. Medium red creme. This is two coats and as you can see it's a brighter shade of red, but at three coats it becomes a little vampier. It has almost a hint of brown to it. Super smooth formula on this one, it almost applied itself!

Dripping Wet. Amazing lit-from-within purple. This color rocks. It's dark and vampy but it really lights up when you take it into the sunlight. It has hints of gold, red and blue sparkles. Absolutely stunning, one of the best purples around.

Hard Day's Night. A smoky charcoal shimmer with a touch of blue. I've done a more in-depth review here.

Indecent Proposal. Rich eggplant shimmer. Oh my. This one is really sexy. Another lit-from-withing vampy shimmer, this time in a deep, dark eggplant. It reminds me a bit of that Ulta-exclusive Essie Groovy Grape. Same type of dark, dramatic purple with hints of gold and black. Positively glorious.

Not Even Close. Bright pearly purple shimmer. Ooh, bright purple!! I can never get enough purple, if you couldn't tell already. Love this one as well. Smooth, shimmery, almost pearly finish. It's along the lines of Nubar Pasadena Purple / MAC Violet Fire / Jessica Birds of Paradise in terms of finish, but the shade is just a little lighter.

What The Hell! Bright shimmery blue. One of my top favorite polish names of all time. Even if I didn't like the color I'd still buy it just for the name. Luckily I like the color! It's very summery, sparkly, bright and cheerful. It reminds me of swimming pools. This would make a great summer pedicure color.

The formula on these is good. Quite good, actually. It's very thick but pigmented. All of these are two coats, with the exception of Easy, But Not Cheap! which is three. They go on smooth and opaque and it requires very little effort to get them to look nice and even. Drying time is average. Orgasm Cosmetics Nail Lacquers are big three free, which means no toluene, formaldehyde or DBP.

Like I mentioned before, one of the things I like most about this brand is that the labels are printed on the bottle, not stickers. Your labels will never fall off! And the other great thing is that the website is printed right on the bottle- genius! That way you know exactly where to go to buy more or to get more information.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a pretty new brand, but they already have the formula and colors spot on. They have a wide variety of great shades, not just your standard pinks and reds, but multiple shades of blue, green, purple, yellow, orange... I love to see a good variety!

There are only two negatives I can think of, and they're really nothing serious. They have nothing to do with the polish itself, just my own personal preferences.

The first is that the color swatches on their website, Orgasm.fm, aren't very accurate. For example, look at my photo of Indecent Proposal and then look at the swatch on the website. You probably wouldn't expect it to be an almost-black purple vampy shimmer from that swatch. Or Hard Day's Night- theirs looks like a blue-purple creme but it's really a charcoal-grey shimmer. Not a big deal, that's what bloggers are for, right? Hahaha :)

The other thing I'm not wild about are some of the names. I know that a lot of people love them, I remember the last post I did got a pretty positive response. I do think most of them are hilarious and cheeky, but a couple of them are too raunchy for me. I tend to have the sense of humor of a twelve-year old boy, but 'Dripping Wet' just kinda makes me go... ew. To each their own, I suppose. Some of the names are awesome and make me laugh, like What The Hell!, You've Got To Be Kidding and Not Now, Not Ever. Some of them creep me out a little.

Overall, I really like these polishes. I appreciate the variety of colors they have, especially that they have multiple shades of green. I'm really tired of seeing brands that are 90% pink, red and nude, and this isn't one of those brands! I love the bottles with the printed labels, and I really like the formuls. I only wish they had some dark greens!

But, this seems to be the year for green, so maybe we'll see one!

Orgasm Cosmetics polishes are available only at Orgasm.fm and retail for $6.00 each. Click the color you want to bring up the order screen with the option to add to cart.

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