Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

To China Glaze: A Special Message from Mazoo (and the rest of us!)

Hello China Glaze,

I hope you are well. I however, am not. I have a fever. And the only cure is more green nail polish.

You may remember the Bahama Blues Collection from Winter 2008. This is probably because you made it. I remember it too, because I bought the whole thing. You know what else I would buy? A green version. Serious.

I have taken the promotional picture for the Bahama Blues Collection and used my "mad photoshop skillz" to make it look a tad more "foresty". Yes, I know that isn't a word. I even posted the picture on the MakeUpAlley Nail Board to conduct a little market research. The reaction from all who posted seemed to indicate that ladies would "stabba bish" or "cut a ho" to get their hands on a set. If you aren't familiar with such colloquialisms, that means that these ladies would really, really like some more greens.

I also used the aforementioned photoshop skillz to make a purple version, and a yellow. These versions were also highly regarded by nail board ladies, but honestly, those bishes can wait. I want some greens.

I have come to the completely unbiased conclusion that green shades equals money in the bank. The frenzy over your own Emerald Sparkle? That was no accident. The crazy prices girls are paying on eBay for OPI Rainforest, Jasper Jade & Golf Course Green? That's because we LOVE the greens. Supply is not meeting demand. Suzi thinks that we all want more red. She is WRONG. Don't be like Suzi China Glaze, don't go there girlfriend.

In closing, I would just like to beg unashamedly for some green goodness.


Yours Sincerely,


(Note from Scrangie: Thank you so very much for letting me post this, Mazoo! To everyone, please spread the word!! WE WANT GREENS!!!)

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