Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

Awesome color change polish!

I was at Big Lots the other day, hoping to find some old Sally Hansen or Maybelline polishes (no luck! Just some old Revlons) when I came across these awesome solar polishes!

They didn't really interest me until I noticed that the package said "color changing". Color changing?! Hell yes! Gimme!

These are like the Del Sol color change polishes which I've been meaning to post for months....

There's Christmas Cookie...

Christmas Cookie, before, indoors.

Take it outside and it immediately becomes this!! How awesome!!

Holiday Mint before...

Holiday Mint after!

Sugared Pear before.

Sugared Pear after.

I'm not sure if these are scented or not. The names lead me to believe that they are, but the ingredients don't list fragrance as a component, so I'm thinking they don't. I would love it if they were!

These change colors super fast. As soon as I stepped outside with these, BAM! Presto change-o. Awesome.

And the best thing? Each two-pack cost me $1.50. The label said the price was $1.87, but they each rang up $1.50 instead. Score!

So cool! I'd love to see a major polish company do a color change polish. Can you imagine all the color combinations that could exist? I even heard of a group of girls in England (I think) who came up with a polish that was clear indoors and colored when exposed to sunlight.

This is a really cool concept. Mood polishes, solar color change polishes, those old mood lipsticks that turned hot pink no matter what your mood was, that crappy Smashbox blush that also turns hot pink no matter what.... When I was a little kid, I used to have these gloves that would change color and show extra pictures when you played in the snow with them. I've been obsessed with things that changed color ever since. My husband and I even exchanged mood rings when we first met.

I wonder what other cool color change cosmetics are out there waiting for me to find them...

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