Senin, 03 November 2008

Update on eBay Scumbag! I need your help!

EDIT: As of right now, my images have been removed! Thanks guys!! I'm still keeping my eye on this seller, though... I have a feeling our images will be stolen by them again :( Again, I apologize for being such a spaz about this! It just really, really upsets me to have my property stolen like that :(

Okay guys, I really hate to do this, but I need your help.

They have not only NOT removed the images that they stole from me, but have listed MORE items using my images!

So, if you read my blog and enjoy my pictures, please help me out by taking a few moments to report this filthy thief and their auctions to eBay.

The auctions are here.

You can use your regular eBay account to report the items. Select either "copied listing" or "stolen property", either one will do I think.

Please, don't just do it for me, but for the other lovely bloggers they have stolen images from as well.

I have done pretty much everything I can do to get them to remove my images, but obviously nothing has been done.

Thank you all so much for your love and support, you guys are the greatest!

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