Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Polish Addict and Scrangie: Live Blogging, continued!

xkeinmitleidx: I just found the purples on my kitchen table, haven’t found the blue yet
EmpressStephanie: if it’s the blue that i’m thinking of - that’s a travesty
xkeinmitleidx: I know it has to be here *somewhere*
EmpressStephanie: lol
EmpressStephanie: I don’t think I’ve ever misplaced something
xkeinmitleidx: Well, I’m done with my orly list…
EmpressStephanie: nail polish that is
EmpressStephanie: I’m still unpacking everything
xkeinmitleidx: I do it all the time…. So much nail polish around the house it kind of blends in
EmpressStephanie: how are you going about organizing?
xkeinmitleidx: Well, I have boxes of unorganized stuff waiting to be swatched, and unorganized stuff I’ve already swatched
EmpressStephanie: My boyfriend doesn’t understand what we’re doing
xkeinmitleidx: I’m thinking sorting by brand
EmpressStephanie: he keeps saying…. “well I just don’t get it”
xkeinmitleidx: LOL :D I think my husband does, but he’s busy playing FFXI with my character to get me a map of Kuftal Tunnel XD
xkeinmitleidx: Heh, maybe I’ll go snap a pic of my mess before I clean it up!
EmpressStephanie: LOL
EmpressStephanie: the boyfriend is *supposed* to be watching college football
EmpressStephanie: instead he questions me about nail polish live blogging lol

xkeinmitleidx: LOL
EmpressStephanie: college football is the plague of the town I live in
EmpressStephanie: it’s all people do on saturdays
EmpressStephanie: and I live right next to the stadium - I can’t leave my house
xkeinmitleidx: Hm, I dunno about college football here, but people seem to get into regular football pretty… intensely
xkeinmitleidx: Yikes!
EmpressStephanie: Yikes is right, I can
EmpressStephanie: I can’t wait until I can move : P
EmpressStephanie: so how do you organize your stash?
xkeinmitleidx: Good question. LOL
EmpressStephanie: by color? brand?
EmpressStephanie: lol
xkeinmitleidx: I have a bunch of sterilite drawers and tabletop racks
xkeinmitleidx: mostly organized by brand, but some are just randomly thrown in drawers
EmpressStephanie: right now I have them organized by color
xkeinmitleidx: I have a hard time deciding what deserves a rack and what deserves a drawer
EmpressStephanie: but I’m starting to wonder if I should do it by brand
EmpressStephanie: LOL
xkeinmitleidx: I might redo mine by brand, then color so it makes doing comparisons easier :D
xkeinmitleidx: Hehehe
EmpressStephanie: is a rack higher in the hierarchy?
xkeinmitleidx: I think I’m going to start a Zoya list right now
EmpressStephanie: because I used to keep my special ones in a drawer : P
xkeinmitleidx: Rack is usually nicer polishes or whatever I have the most of
xkeinmitleidx: I keep the expensive ones in a drawer
xkeinmitleidx: RBL, Lippmann, Chanel, Dior
EmpressStephanie: yea
xkeinmitleidx: Drugstore stuff goes in a drawer usually, but I’m not sure if I should separate it by brand or not…
EmpressStephanie: I have a confession
xkeinmitleidx: Oh yeah?
EmpressStephanie: I hardly own any drug store brands (ducks & covers)
xkeinmitleidx: I just started getting into drugstore, really :D

xkeinmitleidx: I used to be hardcore OPI-only and then moved to other brands like China Glaze and stuff
EmpressStephanie: me too!
EmpressStephanie: that’s exactly how it started for me
xkeinmitleidx: But now it seems like I can’t go grocery shopping without wandering down the nailpolish section
xkeinmitleidx: Twins!
EmpressStephanie: lol!
EmpressStephanie: I used to have acrylics
EmpressStephanie: and it got way to expensive to maintain so I decided to learn how to do my own nails
xkeinmitleidx: Very awesome :) Cheaper, too!
EmpressStephanie: yea, exactly
EmpressStephanie: so then I strated off with a few OPIs and it just spiraled out of control
xkeinmitleidx: I remember my first set of gels. Oh man, they were bad. I’ve only had a full set a few times
xkeinmitleidx: I used to be a total Ulta junkie
EmpressStephanie: I *wish* I had an ulta nearby
xkeinmitleidx: My Ultas all suck, but I really only go in there to look at the clearance racks and look for exclusives and stuff
xkeinmitleidx: The employees are all so…. ignorant? Bitchy? I’m scared to go in there lol
xkeinmitleidx: And Sally is the worst, omg don’t get me started
EmpressStephanie: i know! it’s like as a consumer I shouldn’t know more about the product you are selling than you do!
xkeinmitleidx: Whenever I ask them a question they give me serious attitude, too… Sad :(
EmpressStephanie: : (
EmpressStephanie: I’ve only had someone be a complete asshole to me once
EmpressStephanie: I actually wrote a really long post about it but haven’t posted it yet
xkeinmitleidx: Aw, what happened?
EmpressStephanie: well
xkeinmitleidx: Oh lol
EmpressStephanie: I’m hispanic
EmpressStephanie: and I think he thought that I was going to steal something
EmpressStephanie: which is ridiculous of course
EmpressStephanie: so he just like hoovered over me the entire time I was shopping
EmpressStephanie: and it’s like um… I’m not going to steal nail polish from your shitty store you don’t have to babysit me
xkeinmitleidx: Aw, that happens to me every time I go into Sephora or Ulta. I’m not hispanic, but maybe I look like I’m going to steal something?
EmpressStephanie: yea I mean I think the way one dresses effects that
xkeinmitleidx: Usually it’s the young teen or pre-teen girls who I see stuffing stuff into their pockets
EmpressStephanie: the day that I went into the same store with the same clerk but I was wearing a suit he was all about asking me what I do for a living and shi
xkeinmitleidx: That’s terrible!
EmpressStephanie: yea it was ridiculous
xkeinmitleidx: I remember we babysat our neighbor once and she came out of the store with a crapload of stolen nail polish! I was shocked, she was in grade school still!

EmpressStephanie: LOL
xkeinmitleidx: It was all red though, ugh. LOL
EmpressStephanie: lol!!!!
EmpressStephanie: I just saw the comment on your blog lol
xkeinmitleidx: Hahaha, I’m so bad.
EmpressStephanie: maybe next time we should a live feed : P
xkeinmitleidx: Perhaps! I think my regular camera will do something like 20 seconds of video but uh…
xkeinmitleidx: Don’t know how to do it lol
EmpressStephanie: mine does too but I have no idea how to do video editing
xkeinmitleidx: My brother’s pretty good at that, but I don’t know how to do any of it.
EmpressStephanie: lol how does your family feel about your obsession with nail polish?
xkeinmitleidx: I was thinking about making a video sort of thing, a swatch video with pictures and music or something
EmpressStephanie: that’s a good idea
xkeinmitleidx: At first I think it was a problem- they told me I needed help. LOL. But now I think they love it- my mom likes having her nails done (so does my brother, heh) and my dad loves looking at the cool colors.
xkeinmitleidx: How about you?
EmpressStephanie: at first I was afraid my mom would stab me in the face
xkeinmitleidx: LOL
EmpressStephanie: but she’s actually amused by it now
xkeinmitleidx: My husband says, “It’s cheaper than cocaine”
xkeinmitleidx: LMAO
EmpressStephanie: lol no really i spend all my extra money (and more of the time money that isn’t extra) on polish
EmpressStephanie: LOL!
xkeinmitleidx: Yeah, I don’t really buy anything other than polish and makeup, so it’s not *too* bad, all the bills get paid!
EmpressStephanie: I find most of the time I just can’t help myself
EmpressStephanie: yea exactly
xkeinmitleidx: I have no self control lol
EmpressStephanie: my nails are always impeccable but I haven’t bought new sneakers in like 3 years lol
EmpressStephanie: I have *zero* really zero self control
EmpressStephanie: I think I
EmpressStephanie: I’m probably going to get to the point where its either buy food or nail polish…
EmpressStephanie: and… well whatever food is overrated
xkeinmitleidx: lol
xkeinmitleidx: Ramen FTW
EmpressStephanie: LOL!
EmpressStephanie: *will swatch for food*
xkeinmitleidx: I’m not really into clothes or movies or anything. I basically wear band t-shirts and black pants 90% of the time, it’s like a uniform XD
xkeinmitleidx: LOL! I love it. I think I need a little cardboard sign to hold up!

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