Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

Comparison: Dior Gold Nugget and China Glaze Prize Winning Mare

When grabbed my bottle of Prize Winning Mare and started applying it, the first thing I thought was, "This reminds me of Dior Gold Nugget!"

And I was sort of right, but not 100%. They are very similar in texture, similar in color, but they are distinctly different. Observe:

Pinkie and ring finger are Gold Nugget. Middle and index finger are Prize Winning Mare. Thumb is Prize Winning Mare and Gold Nugget side by side.

Gold Nugget is definitely brighter and more metallic. Both colors seem to have the same multi-colored microsparkle thing going on, but they're not as similar as I first thought they were.

Prize Winning Mare is Gold Nugget's less flashy, more antique looking older sister. Looking perhaps like she's tarnished a little with age- maybe it's the Future Gold Nugget after too many years of hard partying and late nights. Still very pretty and glimmering, but more subdued, a little more dull, a bit more mature- Gold Nugget post-rehab. Like Lindsay Lohan, without the ability to eat your arms. (Kidding, kidding! I think.)

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