Selasa, 12 Februari 2008

Reviews: Clarisonic, Ardell Lash and Brow Growth Accelerator and Bremenn Labs Lumedia.

Couple of reviews I want to share...

First on the list, the Clarisonic Skincare Brush. I had been seeing it advertised here and there, and for no reason at all I had to have it. Seriously. I didn't even know what it was, but I knew I wanted it. It's absurdly expensive, but I had a gift card (score!) so I went for it.

OH MAN. This thing is cool. Basically what it is is a giant Sonicare toothbrush for your face. I used it for the first time tonight and I already love it. It feels amazing. It has a program built in and it beeps every few seconds to tell you what to do. I think it's 10 seconds on each cheek, 20 seconds on your forehead and 10 for chin and nose? Something like that. I just kind of ignored the beeps and did my own thing.

My skin got cleaner than I thought possible. I have been using toner lately (DDF 10% Glycolic), and usually there's a little bit of makeup residue on the cotton ball when I'm done, but this time there was NOTHING! My face feels soft and smooth and not dry and it's positively glowing. I can't wait to use it again.

Best impulse buy ever.

Next up, Ardell Lash and Brow Growth Accelerator. I did something very, very bad. I used waterproof mascara for about a month and my lashes paid the price. I now have a bunch of broken lashes and two bald spots. I had to do something about it, and I saw this on sale at Ulta and figured, what the heck, it's like $3, I'll try it. I've been using it for a week and I'm actually seeing results. The bald spots haven't grown back, but my lashes definitely look longer and thicker. I don't know if it's because they're actually growing, but it's probably the result of them actually being conditioned. They are hair, after all. I'm going to keep using it until it's gone and then see what kind of results I have. So far, so good.

Last on the list, Bremenn Labs Lumedia Facial Brightener. I got a nice size deluxe sample of this from Sephora and used it regularly until it ran out. It worked immediately. I love products that give results. It's a hydroquinone-free spot-fader and skin brightener. If you can't already tell, I'm totally into the skin-brightening products. I really do love my hydroquinone, but one, it smells like rotting assholes, and two, I don't know if it's entirely safe. So.... I needed an alternative. Lumedia is a really light texture, almost like a serum. It doesn't smell gross at all (smells pretty nice, actually) and it gives me that brightness that I crave. It didn't fade spots as fast or as well as a hydroquinone product, but it works right away, unlike hydroquinone.

There's my reviews for the day.

I am trying to be excited about the OPI India collection, but I just can't. It's so freaking boring. I might get Yoga-ta Get This Blue or Royal Rajah Ruby, but otherwise, BLAH. Come on, OPI, how many bland pink and red cremes do we need?

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