Kamis, 24 Januari 2008

Flat Iron Method For Depotting MAC Eyeshadows

Ooh, I just got an interesting google hit... "What is another thing I can use to depot my eyeshadow".

My answer: Your flat iron!

I actually find the flat iron (straightening iron) method to be a lot easier than with a candle.

Here's what I do. Pop out the plastic part (talking MAC here) containing the eyeshadow pan as usual.

Set the iron on the hottest setting. Set the plastic pan on the flat iron for a couple seconds. The plastic will become soft, just like the flame method. Use a tool (tongs, tweezers, I use my cuticle pusher, shh...) to pry the shadow pan out of the soft plastic. Be careful not to gouge the shadow.

I apply a magnet, then I warm up the label side of the original pot so that the label glue comes loose and I stick the label on the magnet and place it in my palette.

Simple, painless, and you can't set yourself on fire this way.

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