Jumat, 18 Mei 2007

Well, crap. It's been a long time since I've updated. No, I haven't lost my passion for beauty products... I'm just very busy and broke at the moment. I wrecked my car. Ouch.

Since I spend most of my entries praising products that I love, I think I'll start mentioning some products that I don't quite love.

Just a couple for today.

LUSH Black Pearl bath bomb. I really do like the scent (lavender and blackcurrant?). I am horrified by the disgusting black ring it leaves in my bathtub. It doesn't smell strong enough to even scent the water. It's best used as an air freshener or sachet in your underwear drawer. Not really worth it. The black ring is so disgusting. I can't figure out a way to prevent it. And no, my bathtub is not dirty!

Coconut Hut Beauty Chocolate Lava Cake Eau de Parfum. I love Coconut Hut. Absolutely love. Lena is wonderful, the products are incredible and the freebies are very, very generous. Let this not be a poor reflection on Coconut Hut. Anyway. This is by far the worst smelling fragrance I have ever encountered. It's even worse than Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Black Annis.

I'm having trouble finding the words to describe it. It's like when you walk into a filthy public restroom in the summertime and you smell the disgusting odor of 25 other people's pee dried into the unwashed grimy tile floor. It smells like concentrated pee and hot, humid, stale air.

It's supposed to be chocolate and cherries. I don't understand how chocolate and cherries can go so horribly, horribly wrong.

It's the first Coconut Hut product I haven't loved. I have tried a lot of products from Coconut Hut. I highly recommend her Eau de Parfums and her Surf's Up! Shea butter body wash. Just not in Chocolate Lava Cake. *shudder*

One more quick one- Cleanse Your Soul. I have ordered a couple times from there and don't know why I keep ordering. The packaging is horrible. It looks so cheap. The labels look so crappy and they are never even on straight! The Body Milk is the weirdest lotion ever. It's like weird plastic smelling water in a tube. The body cream is okay, but still incredibly watery. I like the body emollient, but the base smell is too strong. The moisturizing body sprays are always seperated and have no lasting power.

I like the eau de parfums, but here's the kicker. They come with the lids wrapped in ELECTRICAL TAPE!! Needless to say, all my perfumes are ruined. There's black goo all over the bottle and the caps are all broken from the tape. Dumbest idea ever. Haven't you heard of Teflon tape? Electrical tape. WTF?!?! The perfumes even come in pretty bottles, which are ruined by the tape and the use of the crappy labels which are basically just slapped on there, any which way.

But, for some reason, I just keep ordering. I think it's because it's the cheapest. You can try a bunch of different things for a reasonable price. I think I'll stick to the body emollients from now on.

Enough ranting for one day. I see that I'm still getting tons of hits of that damn Kuku Coco deodorant. Seriously, people! It doesn't even smell good!

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