Selasa, 27 Maret 2007

I've been absent. I apologize. Sorry, blog.

I just glanced over at my nail polish collection and realized that I have easily over 1400.


On that topic, I must share something amazing. Poshe has changed my life.

I had used Seche Vite before, and while I do like it and still use it on a regular basis, but Poshe is just so much shinier! It stays shiny for days. It's the shiniest topcoat I've ever seen.

Do you avoid painting your nails because you don't like to sit around for half an hour doing nothing waiting for them to dry?

Poshe and Seche Vite will both get the job done in five minutes.

Here's what I do. I slap on a base coat or Nail Envy immediately followed by two or three coats of polish. I give it a few seconds and apply my topcoat (Seche or Poshe). In 60 seconds it's dry to the touch and in 5-10 minutes it's completely dry all the way to the bottom.

So, there you go. No more waiting around for your nails to dry.

I got some items from MAC Balloonacy. On the website I wasn't really impressed, but I can't pass up anything purple and I needed a new brush anyway, so I got the Pandemonium quad, Helium and Viz-A-Violet pigments and Perky lipglass.

MAC hasn't really impressed me with their collections lately, but this one is just WOW. It's like MAC made it specifically for me.

The quad is the best one they've put out in a very long time. A white gold, a lavender-pink, shimmery charcoal and a bright indigo-violet. It's absolutely gorgeous, and, for once, all the colors go with each other.

The pigments are great- Helium is really unique but it has a weird texture. This can be solved by gently blending or patting with your finger after applying it. Viz-A-Violet is like a lighter version of my all time favorite pigment, Violet.

Perky lipglass is awesome. It's a frosty purple, and as awful as that sounds, it isn't freaky on the lips. It looks amazing on me.

I didn't get the highlight powders because I realized that, a) Just because it is limited edition doesn't mean I have to buy it, and b) I really don't like MAC's highlight products that much. I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Awesome, MAC. I'm very impressed. I can't wait to see what they have in store for the Rebel Rock / Belle Azure -ish collections this year. Hmm... Did this year's version of Rebel Rock already happen? I can't remember.

I need a haircut really, really badly. I feel like being cheap and going to one of those shitty $8 haircut places. I just don't feel like going back to my old stylist who charges $200 for a haircut and then doesn't freaking listen to me. Seriously, when I'm shelling out that much money you should really listen to what I have to say. Not just say, "Oh, next time."

The last time I went to one of those cheap hair places I asked them to trim my bangs. Simple, no? I ended up with 1/2" long bangs. I am not kidding. It has been years and years since that happened, but I'll never forget it.

Oh yeah, Allison Raffaele foundation sucks ass. Both the mineral and the liquid. Don't waste your money.

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