Jumat, 26 Januari 2007

Finally, a moment to myself to sit here and blog!

I've been on an etailer frenzy this month. I don't know what's gotten into me!

I think I've ordered from ten or so different etailers this month alone. I really wanted Coconut Hut, but she's closed until April. So I got the next best (or better) thing: Skindazzles. I freaking adore Skindazzles. The only problem is she's in Canada, so even if she ships my order the next day it still takes two weeks to get here. Well worth it, but the wait is TORTURE.

Sad Skindazzles-related story: I've been trying to actually finish some products. Working through my stash was one of my New Year's Resolutions. I finished my Skindazzles Halloween Cupcakes Whipped Body Frosting (absolutely divine, by the way) and went looking for the rest. I opened my Iced Black Tea Whipped Body Frosting and was shocked- it had grown little orange spots!! Mold! EEEW! It was only five months old! Mayan Gold also fell victim to the weird lotion mold. Luckily, Blueberry Cobbler, Happy Birthday and Buttercream Crunch survived.

In all of my years of collecting (read: hoarding) bath and body products, I have only had one other thing grow mold. And actually, it didn't grow mold, it came to me moldy. A glitterbug from LUSH that they wouldn't even replace! Bastards.

Moving on... So many topics to address, so little time!

I'm absolutely in love with TiGi Brunette Goddess shampoo and conditioner. It works great, but the most important thing about it is the scent. Incredible. Like thick, sugary almond buttercream. It's so unique and I can't live without it now. All it needs is to have more products in the line! Just shampoo and conditioner? Weak.

Since Brunette Goddess is lacking in product variety, I have two other hair product loves. Carol's Daughter Black Vanilla Leave-In Conditioner and HealthySexyHair Pumpkin Potion Leave-In Conditioner.

Carol's Daughter. I won't lie, the only reason I bought it is because it says "vanilla". When I got it I was a little surprised and slightly confused. The scent wasn't really that vanilla... It is kind of a dirty smelling chai vanilla scent. Funky but not bad. The bad part is the texture. It is WATER. It's not oil, not cream, but weird watery... something. I have never seen a watery conditioner like this.

Despite the weird texture and smell, I decide to use it. Surprise! It's awesome. It doesn't weigh down hair or make it look greasy, but it does make it shiny and smooth. It's unlike any serum or leave-in I've used. The scent on hair is much better than in the bottle. Kind of a flat vanilla, almost coconutty. The best part is I can keep adding more and more without my hair getting greasy. A word to the wise, though- be careful trying to get it out of the bottle. Like I said, this is basically vanilla-scented water and it WILL pour out all over your countertop.

Come on Carol's Daughter, who puts water in a flip open bottle? At least put it in a pump or sprayer! Weirdos.

On to the Pumpkin Potion. Doesn't do a whole lot to my hair, but is smells like PUMPKIN PIE. Yep. Anyone who knows me knows I also have an unhealthy obsession with all things pumpkin.

What else... Hmm...

OPI! I love OPI. I absolutely love OPI Designer Series polish. It's so freaking cool. It's extremely smooth, the most excellent holographic shimmer you have ever seen, and it has the PRO WIDE BRUSH. Mmm... love that Pro Wide brush. You have to see this stuff. I'll try to post some pictures, but it's so hard to capture on film.

MAC for Barbie. Or is it Barbie for MAC? Either way I'm psyched!! I have a love/hate relationship with the whole "Barbie" image and what it entails, but one thing is for sure... Barbie always has great makeup. Besides, can I ever pass up hot pink lipgloss and green eyeshadow? Nope.

You know what smell I hate? I hate the smell of freshly showered people. Ugh, it nauseates me. I do not enjoy the soap and water scent outside the shower. I don't understand the whole clean perfume trend. Do you want to smell like cheap soap? If so, why?

Only exception is Philosophy Pure Grace. It doesn't really smell like soap to me, but it is light and clean. It smells like Amazing Grace, but crisper if that makes sense.

Okay, there is one other exception. Irish Spring. It smells so good. It doesn't smell like soap, it smells like... a spring. In Ireland. Something like that. I won't use the soap because it's hell for your skin, but I did buy a spray from Cleanse Your Soul that smells just like it. I tried the one from Bathed and Infused, but it smells absolutely nothing like Irish Spring.

Bathed and Infused sucks. Not one thing I ordered from them smells anything like it should, the lotions are weak, thin and not moisturizing, and it costs too much for such a cheap product. As disappointed as I am in the products, I was tempted to buy the "Rock Candy" scent to see if it really smells like Rock Star. Hmm. We'll see.

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