Kamis, 02 November 2006

I'm a slacker, I know it.

I've been using this blog as more of a wishlist or shopping list...

Maybe I should actually talk about stuff. Right?

How about a story.

I think I'm the only one on earth who actually liked the original Dessert beauty line. I have every product in that line, and I was very sad to see it go. Dessert Treats is still around, but that sucks ass.

Anyway. The stuff was all ridiculously expensive for the quality of the product, and one of the most expensive products was the Deliciously Kissable Sugar Scrub. I think the original price was $42, but I grabbed them during the second clearance round at Sephora for $5 each.

I liked all three scents and have the whipped cream and shake in all of them, along with the bubble bath and fragrances. I like to layer. Why not get the matching scrub?

My first time using it I was sort of impressed. The sugar was a very fine grain, yet still rough enough to do some work. The scent was nice and strong. Everything was going great, until I tried to rinse it off.

HOLY OIL SLICK, BATMAN!! This was easily the nastiest thing I have ever put on my body (and that's coming from me...). When the water hit my skin the sugar completely dissolved, leaving me with what felt like an inch thick coating of grease. It would come off in globs if I scraped it, but it absolutely would not rinse off. I could actually see it on my skin, that's how thick it was.

After three rounds with my trusty Philosophy showergel I finally got (most of) the grease off of my skin. Now it was in a weird grey coating all over my bathtub. I am so glad I only paid $5 for this crap.

The moral of the story is don't use the shitty Dessert sugar scrub unless you want the Exxon-Valdez reenacted in your shower.

Also, a common misconception regarding scrubs. Scrub on dry/semi-dry skin! People always get into the shower and get all wet and then decide to use a sugar/salt scrub, which then dissolves in about two seconds and no actual exfoliation happens. Scrub with sugar/salt + Water = Pointless.

I always scrub before I get in the shower. It also helps to keep water out of the jars.

Speaking of scrubs, Isle of Eden is pretty awesome. I hate the shipping, but the scrubs are great.

I love Philosophy's scrubs, too. Margarita and Gingerbread man. Mmm. Exfoliation.

Oh yeah, I was at Ulta on my lunch break and I saw the new KISS fragrance. Yes, THE KISS, like with Gene Simmons. Fragrance. KISS fragrance. It actually didn't smell bad.

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