Sabtu, 22 April 2006

With all that's going on right now, I'm in need of some good retail therapy.

I'm making a lot more money now, so it looks like I can afford some upcoming MAC collections.

Now, people have been hearing me rave about Sweetie Cake... I just saw something this morning that pretty much overshadows Sweetie Cake. Behold:

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Pretty much my favorite collection last year was Belle Azure (tied with Rebel Rock) and this seems to be Belle Azure : Revisited.

The shadows are completely different, but look! Limited Edition Packaging! Almost entirely identical lipglasses- I can finally have Elle and Pink Clash! New pearlizers! Did I mention Limited Edition Teal packaging?

I'm a sucker for packaging. It's bordering on tacky, but oh how I am CRAVING this right now. I absolutely can not wait!

Sucks that Black Tied and Idol Eyes are being repromoted AGAIN, but I'm so totally buying them cause this time they're special. I'll just keep them in the boxes for backups, I guess. Not that I could ever imagine running out of Black Tied, but... whatever.

So I may not end up buying much from Sweetie Cake after all. Maybe. Ok. I'll probably buy a lot, but I'm more excited about this.

AND! There's gonna be a collection with NEON LIQUID LINERS! I'm also buying all of those. Not only am I a sucker for packaging, I'm a sucker for neon colors.

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Oooh, aaah! The colors, Duke, the colors!

On top of all that, I just won an eBay auction for Beaver Moon and it's the most orgasmically perfect scent. I'm obsessed with it now. I am on a quest to get as many bottles of it as I possibly can.

I'm hoping that the Monster Baits are somewhat similar. If in fact they are, I'm buying two more bottles of each.

I can't get enough Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.

I took a bath with a LUSH Bathos bubble bar slice this morning, and now I need more of that. Violets... Mmm... Purple water... mmm... And somehow I think it took the brassiness out of my hair. A plus.

Between BPAL, MAC and LUSH (wow, how creepy. All caps. Huh.) I'm not going to have much money left over!

Also: I need some cute boxes. I need a rather huge one to move my lipgloss collection into. My already huge one is pathetically inadequate. I need another box for my Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. And finally, I need another for my MAC stuff. It has outgrown the many homes it inhabits... It's just taking over...

I think I'm gonna go back to Ikea and get another cabinet. One just for perfumes, and one just for lotions. They're together in one right now, but it's dangerously crowded. That's sad. I need two 6.5'x2.5x2.5 cabinets to hold just my lotion and fragrances.

Hey.... maybe I should get one for my lipgloss, too!

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