Senin, 14 November 2005

I am putting myself on a spending freeze!

For a month, I'm not going to buy anything that isn't necessary, unless it's a gift for someone else.

I took a good hard look at how many glosses, fragrances... just sheer masses of product... that I own and I need to use. And, the amount I spend on this stuff.... damn.

Now that I'm a blonde, I find that my hair has become very... Dry. It's always been processed, but now it's just... fried. I like the fact that it adds volume to my otherwise flat hair, but I don't like looking like some crispy-hair bleach blonde trailer trash.

I had a sample of Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment lying around and I decided now was as good a time as any to try it out. I melted it in my palms and applied it to towel dried hair as suggested.

The good: It made my hair soft and took away the fried look.

The bad: It's heavy, oily and it smells like a headshop.

It seriously smells like someone was burning some strong incense and blew it into my hair. I smell like a damned hippie. I showered before I put it on, and instantly I felt like I haven't washed my hair in weeks. I had to look in the mirror to make sure I didn't suddenly have dreads.

My hair was intact, I was still wearing a bra, and I didn't mysteriously develop any tacky, trashy peace sign tattoos.

*whew* Crisis over.

Now, to go wash my hair.

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